Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tomorrow May Never Come

When one finds a treasure, it is a crime not to share it.

"Tomorrow May Never Come"

Do not wait until tomorrow
For that something you could say
To help someone in their sorrow
And to cheer them on their way
If you tarry till tomorrow
Just to say those words of cheer
If you wait until tomorrow
You may find it is not there.

If you see somebody stumble
As he tries to bear his load
Will you turn away from helping
As you travel down life's road
If you say "perhaps tomorrow"
I will lend a helping hand
Perhaps there will be no tomorrow
Give that help now if you can.

If misfortune strikes your brother
Help him with a word of cheer

Do some deed of kindness for him
Let him know how much you care
If you can do something for him
Do it now and do not wait
If you wait until tomorrow
It could then be just too late.

If you quarrel with your neighbour
And with them its hard to live
If they say mean things about you
Try to love them and forgive
When they turn their faces from you
ANd you know they treat you wrong
Forgive today and not tomorrow
For that day may never dawn.

If you have hurt someone's feelings
And you feel that you've done wrong
If your stubborn pride won't let you
Talk to them before their gone
If you do not ask forgiveness
Then perhaps you will regret
That you waited for tomorrow
And you'll find your waiting yet!

Bramwell B. Quinton

Has worry dominated your life? Put an end to the spiritual schizophrenia. Don’t live having faith one moment and worry the next. To have a consistent walk with your Creator, you have to put Love first in your life. What is the divine gift of love? It fathoms forth from the endless wellspring of the Great Mystery. Comprehending the nature of it's mysterious power, is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, and love continues to flow. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like fate. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, without love life would not be worth living. It is the eternal truth and guide in the history of mankind.

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
Carl G Jung


Susan Blake said...

Walt - That was AWESOME. Thank you for sharing it! We only have NOW - no guarantees for anything else beyond this moment. If we can really embrace that fully, we would live the lives we were meant to live, in this moment.

Walt said...

Yes it is a theme as old as time itself. Alas Somewhere we lost the message, yet all that we need do, is look deep into our hearts to find it again.

Rana Sinha said...

Yes, NOW is the moment. Let us make the most of it.

Thanks Generalissimo for your message on my blog. The My Generation song was very moving. I've forwarded the link to many people.

Have a good day and thanks.